Sustainability at events: Transparency and engagement for a better future

Events provide a unique opportunity to bring people together, share ideas and drive positive change together. But how can we ensure that events are not only inspiring and entertaining, but also sustainable and environmentally friendly?

At our event, we make a point of actively informing all participants, service providers and the general public about our sustainable planning approach. We want to create transparency and show that we are taking concrete measures to minimize our environmental impact and offset emissions. This includes regular reporting on the results achieved, such as the amount of emissions caused and offset. By sharing this information, we aim to demonstrate our commitment to a sustainable future and encourage others to take action as well.

In addition, we inform participants, service providers and the public about the destination impact of our event. We understand that events do not happen in isolation, but can have long-term effects on the surrounding area. Therefore, we view the event in terms of heritage (legacy) and communicate transparently about the positive impact we want to leave in the destination. It’s about leaving a sustainable footprint and supporting the local community.

Last but not least, we place great emphasis on waste separation. Both participants and service providers are actively encouraged to follow consistent waste separation during set-up, tear-down, and throughout the event. Our clear instructions and highly visible recycling stations facilitate the proper disposal of waste and encourage an environmentally friendly attitude.

We are proud that sustainability is an integral part of our event. By providing transparent information, focusing on heritage and promoting waste separation, we aim to create awareness and contribute to positive change. Together, we can create a more sustainable future.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us.

NEWS 2024


the berlin dance music event 2024 awaits you on the 22. - 26. May.